UCT Administrative Forms

UCT Administrative Forms Student Administrative Forms Updates and new forms Archives Top 20 Form help
Last updated: 14 October 2024


 Form Finder

  • If you are looking for application forms to study at UCT in the following year, please complete your application online : http://applyonline.uct.ac.za/
  • This page only lists UCT Administrative Forms currently administered by the Content Architecture team (Systems Division).
  • For Student Administrative Forms, use the navigation bar above or see: UCT Student Administrative Forms.
  • All forms available on this web page are for UCT staff and/or third party use only, unless noted otherwise.
  • All forms are owned by their respective Organisational Entities.
  • Forms marked with an asterisk (*) are fillable PDF forms and cannot be viewed or completed directly in an Internet browser. They must be downloaded to your computer (right-click and Save link as), before they can be opened and completed using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  • If you are experiencing technical problems finding, viewing or accessing these forms, contact Jenny Wood - Content Architecture team (Systems Division)
 Forms by Organisational Entity:

 Forms by Organisational Entity acronym :
 or choose Edit > Find (or CTRL+F) to locate the form you need.
Administrative Archives (AA)back to top
File Name Form Title When To Use The Form Help Document / Movie Last Changed
AA01 Records transmittal list Before sending records/files to Administrative Archives for archiving to describe the records submitted. None 04.10.2012
Academic Administration (ACA)back to top
File Name Form Title When To Use The Form Help Document / Movie Last Changed
*ACA03 Student bank account details When you need to capture student bank account details on
PeopleSoft (for emergencies only).
Note: *This writable PDF form must first be downloaded to your computer (right-click and Save link as), before it can be completed using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
None 13.12.2022
ACA04 UCT Student Systems development request When you need to make a development request for Student Administrative Information Systems such as: PeopleSoft, Residential Management System (RMS), Syllabus plus, Image Now etc.
  ServiceNow iconThis form is no longer in use. Please complete this request in ServiceNow, see: Student Systems Development Request
ACA05 This form has been discontinued.
ACA06 Adding a person record to PeopleSoft When adding a person record to PeopleSoft. None 06.03.2013
*ACA08 Cancellation of Registration To cancel your registration entirely (not to change your curriculum).
Note: *This form (writable PDF) must be completed and uploaded to the Cancellation of Registration Application on service requests on PeopleSoft. For help in how to do this go to: https://vula.uct.ac.za/x/7rgfwa.
None 15.05.2020
*ACA09 Application for Change of Curriculum To add and/or drop a course, to change your academic programme and/or plan.
Note: *This writable PDF form must first be downloaded to your computer (right-click and Save link as), before it can be completed using Adobe Acrobat Reader
None 18.01.2023
ACA10 Request for out of hours system support When requesting out of hours support for a student or related system. None 06.04.2020
ACA11 Form no longer in use, replaced by ACA031
*ACA13 Backdating a course enrolment or course drop date in PeopleSoft When needing to backdate a course enrolment or course drop date in PeopleSoft.
Note: *This writable PDF form must first be downloaded to your computer (right-click and Save link as), before it can be completed using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
None 31.05.2024
ACA30 This form has been replaced by:
ACA034 - Approval form for new courses
ACA035 - Changes to existing courses
ACA31 UCT Short Course Approval Form When requiring faculty and Senate approval for a new short course. ACA031HLP 25.08.2017
ACA32 Creating a code for a new plan When creating a code for a new plan within an existing programme / plan within a qualification. ACA032HLP 13.11.2014
ACA33 Creating a code for a new qualification When creating a code for a new qualification with its attendant programme / plan codes. ACA033HLP 13.11.2014
ACA34 Approval form for new courses When requiring Faculty and Senate approval for a new course. ACA034HLP 10.02.2017
ACA35 Changes to existing courses When requiring Faculty and Senate approval for changes to an existing course. ACA035HLP 09.05.2017
ACA36 External credit and exemption application When applying for external academic credit and/or exemption. None 11.02.2021
ACA41 Faculty of Heath Sciences
Short Course Approval Form
When requiring faculty and Senate approval for a new short course within the Faculty of Health Sciences. None 22.02.2016
ACA44 Deferred Examination Application Form When a student wishes to apply to defer their examinations due to illness or other good cause.
Note: Please ensure you also submit the relevant forms below in support of your  Deferred Exam Application.
None 17.05.2024
ACA44a Confidential Medical/ Psychological Report When a student wishes to apply to defer their examinations due to illness or other medical reason.
Note: This form should be submitted together with the ACA44: Deferred Examination Application Form.
ACA44aHLP 31.05.2023
ACA44b Supplementary Information for Application for the Deferred Examination To be completed if a student requires supplementary information to apply for the Deferred Examination (DE).
Note: This form should be submitted together with the ACA44: Deferred Examination Application Form.
Deferred Exams Application Information 20.10.2022
ACA52 Change of results form When (i) an individual mark is submitted; or
(ii) a final mark, already uploaded on system, changes.
None 06.03.2020
ACA54 Special Technical Fee Waiver Request for Lockdown-Related Reasons When master’s and PhD students are seeking a fee waiver in terms of the special Council concession on fees for research students affected.
ACA55 Deferred and supplementary results submission
When submitting deferred and supplementary results.
None 16.05.2022
Assets (AS)back to top
File Name Form Title When To Use The Form Help Document / Movie Last Changed
AS001 Asset acquisition form When you want to purchase an asset.
None 20.07.2023
Asset acquisition (via donation) form
When you have to process the receipt of a donated asset.
Note: This form has been revised and reinstated.
AS003 Asset re-location/transfer form When an asset is being transferred to another department/unit or to another building/location. None 06.12.2021
AS004 Asset retirement form When you have disposed of an asset and require it to be removed from the fixed asset register (i.e. retired). Reasons for retiring an asset include: scrapping due to asset being lost or damaged beyond repair; sale; trade in; or returning the item to the vendor; etc. None 20.07.2023
AS005 New asset under construction When Properties and Services Dept. needs to create a new Asset Under Construction relating to a capital project. None 25.11.2022
AS006 Fixed asset count authorisation When a departmental asset count has taken place. None 18.07.2024
AS007 Capitalisation of customs charges on imported assets
When you need to advise the Assets Department of customs charges that need to be capitalised against the cost of imported assets.
Properties and Services (BAS)back to top
File Name Form Title When To Use The Form Help Document / Movie Last Changed
BAS01 Goods Movement Permit
(Short Loan)
When you want to remove an asset from the campus on a "once-off" basis. None 20.11.2000
BAS02 Goods Movement Permit (Extended) When you want to remove an asset from the campus on a continual daily basis, e.g. laptop computers, cell phones, etc. None 03.09.2003
BAS03 Application for the Issue of a Third Party Identification and Access Control Card When you want to apply for an access card for a third party who will be at UCT or need access to UCT structures for some period of time
Note: This form is no longer in use. Please use the BAS03a to gather information from prospective third parties and/or complete this request in the Third Party System.
Third Party System: Prospective third party data request
When you want to gather information from new UCT third parties and obtain their consent for its usage according to their role.
See also: Third Party System | Access/Visitor card conditions
Third Party System help
BAS04 UCT Class Test Venue Request Form (UCT staff) When UCT staff need to request a venue for a class test. None 19.09.2017
BAS05 This form has been removed, as it is no longer in use.
BAS06 This form has been removed, as it is no longer in use.
BAS07 Application for the registration of Third Party identification for employees of UCT contractors Use either when:
· registering a new third party who is an employee of a UCT contractor, and applying for access to UCT resources,
· or, for an existing third party who is an employee of a UCT contractor: updating contact details, or renewing or extending access.
None 24.03.2015
BAS08 Application for the amendment of Third Party identification and associated access to UCT resources When renewing an existing third party, updating personal details or changing access requirements.
Note: This form is no longer in use. Please use the BAS03a to gather information from prospective third parties and/or complete this request in the Third Party System.
BAS09 This form has been removed, as it is no longer in use.
BAS10 Access Control Fault Logging or Access Request Form When you would like to report a fault with the access control system or you would like to request additional physical access for an individual or a group of people. None 08.09.2014
BAS11 UCT Request for Building Maintenance When reporting a building or equipment fault or submitting a request for building or equipment maintenance or repair.
Note: This form is no longer in use. Please complete this request in P&S Workplace Services Portal, see: https://services.ps.uct.ac.za/
Help document: P&S Workplace Services Portal Help Guide
BAS12 UCT Teaching Venue Change/Addition Request Form When UCT staff need to request a change/additional venue for Semester Teaching. None 12.12.2017
Business Objects Finance (BOB)back to top
File Name Form Title When To Use The Form Help Document / Movie Last Changed
BOB001 Business Objects Hierarchy When you want to see which General Ledger (GL) account is linked to which GL grouping in the Business Objects (BOB1) reporting hierarchy. None 13.09.2016
Department of Alumni & Development (CD)back to top
File Name Form Title When To Use The Form Help Document / Movie Last Changed
CD001 Prospect Contact Report When you want to report any visits made to prospective donors in relation to UCT business. None 07.04.2006
CD002 This form has been removed, please use CD007.
CD003 This form has been removed, please use CD007.
CD004 This form has been removed, please use CD007.
CD005 This form has been removed, please use CD007.
CD006 Donated Asset Notification When you have received a donated asset which:
Either needs to be recorded in the UCT assets register
Or does not need to be recorded in the assets register but requires a Section 18A certificate.
None 07.04.2006
CD007 Donation Processing
Note: This is a combined form, and replaces the previous CD002, CD003, CD004 and CD005 forms.
When you have received one of the following:
  • approval for a fundraising project, and want it to be created on Kidz.
  • a pledge, award or notification of a future donation to UCT.
  • a donation and want to have it processed to your fund.
None 26.06.2015
Communication and Marketing Department (CMD)back to top
File Name Form Title When To Use The Form Help Document / Movie Last Changed
CMD01 Application to host an academic event at UCT Use this form to apply to host an academic event - i.e. a conference, congress, seminar, symposium or workshop.
 ServiceNow iconThis form is no longer in use. Please complete this request in ServiceNow, see: Conference request at UCT
CMD02 Website application Use when applying for the creation of a website, either in the UCT Web CMS (Content Management System) or another suitable repository.
This form is no longer in use. Please complete this request in ServiceNow: New Website Application
CMD03 Application for Domain Administrator training and access to UCT Web CMS When applying for training and access for a Domain Administrator to manage/maintain content for a site in the UCT Web CMS (Content Management System)
This form is no longer in use. Please complete this request in ServiceNow: Add/Change Domain Administrator
CMD04 Website activation application Use either when you have an existing site that is being replaced with a new site on the UCT Web CMS (Content Management System) or if you have a new site which you want to make live.
This form is no longer in use. Please complete this request in ServiceNow: Make Website Live
CMD04 Website deactivation application This is a request to deactivate an existing site which has been created in the UCT Web CMS.
This form is no longer in use. Please complete this request in ServiceNow: Remove Website
CMD05 Application for UCT Web CMS training When applying for training of Senior Content Manager(s) / Content Manager(s) / Page Manager(s) to manage/maintain content for a site in the UCT Web CMS (Content Management System). None 04.07.2014
Cost Accounting (CO)back to top
File Name Form Title When To Use The Form Help Document / Movie Last Changed
Removed  The following forms were removed, as they are no longer in use: CO101, CO102, CO105, CO106, CO108 - CO111, CO116
CO103 Application for Cost Center Maintenance When you want to create or maintain a cost center.
For more than 3 requests, please use the CO103 spreadsheet.
None 24.01.2011
CO104 Application for Cost Center (CC) Group Hierarchy Maintenance: Standard Hierarchy When you want to create or change a cost center group that is part of the standard cost center hierarchy. None 19.02.2008
CO107 Application for Real Internal Order Maintenance When you want to create or change a real internal order.
For more than 3 requests, please use the CO107 spreadsheet.
None 01.09.2014
CO112 Application for Real Internal Order (RIO) Group Maintenance When you want to create, change or delete a real internal order group. None 24.01.2002
CO113 Application for creation of fund/cost object relationships (ZFIT update) When you have a new or existing fund or cost centre and you would like to create ZFIT relationships. None 29.08.2023
CO114 Application for deletion of fund/cost object relationships (ZFIT update) When you would like to delete ZFIT relationships. None 29.08.2023
CO115 Request for CO reposting When you wish to repost costs or revenue from one cost object to another. You CAN repost from a cost center to a RIO, or vice versa, as well as from one cost center to another, or one RIO to another. This form CANNOT be used if you need to change a cost element/GL or a fund. In this case, use a journal instead (FM014). None 22.09.2023
Doctoral Degrees Board (DDB)back to top
File Name Form Title When To Use The Form Help Document / Movie Last Changed
DDB01 Form no longer in use, replaced by DDB07.
DDB02 Form no longer in use, replaced by DDB07.
DDB03 Appointment of Additional Examiners When appointing additional examiners for a PhD thesis. None 20.08.2020
(previously known as DDB03)
Supervisor’s Report When the supervisor of a PhD candidate reports on the candidate to the Doctoral Degrees Board. None 30.05.2022
DDB05 COA recommendation on examination When the Committee of Assessors has met and recommends to the Doctoral Degrees Board the status of the examined thesis. Page 3 of DDB05 25.06.2021
DDB05a COA recommendation on re-examination When the Committee of Assessors has met and recommends to the Doctoral Degrees Board the status of the re-examined thesis. Page 3 of DDB05a 12.04.2023
DDB05b OEC report and recommendation on examination When the Oral Examination Committee (OEC) has met and recommends to the Doctoral Degrees Board the status of the examined thesis and oral examination of the PhD candidate.
Page 4 of DDB05b 12.04.2023
DDB06 Certificate of Corrections When the supervisor of a PhD candidate certifies corrections to a PhD thesis. None 08.09.2020
DDB06a Template for Corrections This template is used by a PhD candidate to list the corrections made to their thesis in response to the examiners' comments/ criticisms, after receiving a Result (ii) outcome. None 31.08.2020
DDB07 Appointment of COA and Examiners When appointing members of the Committee of Assessors and examiners for PhD theses. None 11.10.2024
DDB07a Examiner’s Declaration Form When three or more examiners have agreed to examine a PhD thesis. None 11.10.2024
DDB08 Thesis Open Access
Suppression Form
When there is a need to prevent your thesis/dissertation from being made available online via OpenUCT. None 20.07.2020
DDB09 Notice of intention to submit PhD thesis When wishing to declare submission of a PhD thesis. None 11.10.2024
DDB10 PhD IP Assessment Form This form is to be completed by PhD students registered in Engineering and Built Environment, Health Sciences and Science prior to thesis submission.
Note: This form must be submitted in conjunction with DDB09.
None 14.04.2021
DDB11 Declaration and Submission Form This form is to be completed when uploading a Doctoral thesis for examination. None 11.10.2024
DDB12 Examiner recommendation on examination Used by external examiners when making a recommendation on the examination of a thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. None 04.10.2022
DDB12a Examiner recommendation on re-examination This form is used by external examiners when making a recommendation on the re-examination of a revised thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.This form is used by external examiners when making a recommendation on the re-examination of a revised thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. None 04.10.2022
Examiner preliminary recommendation on thesis
This form is used by external examiners when making a preliminary recommendation on the examination of a thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. This form is to be submitted prior to the oral examination.
DDB13 Turnitin plagiarism declaration This form is completed by PhD students and their supervisors.
Note: PhD students must submit this form with their thesis for examination.
None 09.06.2020
DDB14 Confidentiality on the nomination of examiners This form must be completed by PhD students and their supervisors at intention stage.
Note:  Supervisors may not discuss or disclose the names of examiners to their PhD students before the end of the examination process, and subject to the examiners’ consent.
DDB15 Checklist for inclusion of publications in a PhD thesis This form must be completed by the CoA Chair to determine a student’s contribution to publications that they intend to include in their thesis. None 14.10.2024
DDB16 Template for Revisions This template is used by a PhD candidate to list the revisions made to their revised thesis in response to the examiners' comments/ criticisms, after receiving a Result (iii) outcome. None 31.08.2020
DDB17 Appointment of an Assessor When appointing assessors for a PhD thesis. None 12.06.2024
DDB17a Assessor's Declaration Form When approved assessor/s have agreed to assess a PhD thesis and are about to be appointed. None 12.06.2024
EBE Faculty (EBE)back to top
File Name Form Title When To Use The Form Help Document / Movie Last Changed
Removed The following forms have been removed and are no longer in use: EBE01, EBE02, EBE03, EBE04
EBE05a Basic Risk Assessment
for Outdoor / Off-campus Activity
When a staff member wishes to provide a risk assessment of the of the outdoor / off-campus activity area. EBE05HLP 30.04.2018
EBE05b Student Information and Consent for Outdoor / Off-campus Activity When a student wishes to participate in an outdoor / off-campus activity. EBE05HLP 30.04.2018
EBE05c Authorisation
for Outdoor / Off-campus Activity
When a staff member in charge of an outdoor / off-campus activity wishes to gain authorisation from the Head of Department prior to the commencement of the activity. EBE05HLP 30.04.2018
Health Sciences Faculty (FHS) back to top
File Name Form Title When To Use The Form Help Document / Movie Last Changed
*FHS001 Clearance of non-GOB proposals When you are applying for/receiving funding, such as contracts related to non-research activities. None 17.09.2024
FHS002 Clearance of research proposals (also known as C1) Note: This form is no longer in use and requests must instead be sent via the Electronic Research Administration (eRA) system. See also: eRA pre-awards application process
FHS003 AEC: Animal Research Ethics Committee - Application Form When you are applying for ethics approval to perform testing on animals. None 13.12.2018
FHS004 AEC: Annual Progress or Final Report Form When you need to submit an annual progress and study closure report to the Animal Ethics Committee. None 28.05.2018
FHS005 AEC: Application for minor amendment(s) to a previously approved study by Animal Ethics Committee When you are making minor amendments to a previously approved study by Animal Ethics Committee. None 28.05.2018
FHS006 Protocol Amendment When making changes to a protocol approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee.
See: 2012 HREC guidelines on amendment submissions.
FHS006hlp 13.06.2024
FHS007 Amendment - study staff When making staff changes to a protocol approved by the Human Research Ethics Committee. FHS006hlp 02.04.2024
FHS008 Internal Adverse Event or Unanticipated Problem reporting When reporting an internal adverse event or unanticipated problem with an active protocol. FHS008hlp 02.04.2024
FHS009 Reporting form for safety information When summarising and submitting an updated Investigator Brochure (except if accompanying a new protocol application), Safety Information or Publication, an Audit Report (with significant findings) or a Hold on Activity. None 02.04.2024
FHS010 Study closure report When you wish to close a study. None 02.04.2024
FHS011 Study deviation When you need to report major protocol violations. FHS011hlp 02.04.2024
FHS012 Study exception When you need to report major protocol exceptions. None 02.04.2024
FHS013 New protocol application form - Section A When you need to apply for a new protocol - Section A.
Note: Applicants for databases, registries or repositories should only fill out form FHS020. See also: HREC Fee Structure and HREC Debit Order forms on HREC website, and Checklist – FHS013 submissions
FHS013hlp 13.06.2024
FHS014 Preparing a synopsis: Section B - Pointers for Researcher When you need pointers on preparing a synopsis (Section B).
Note: This is not a form in itself.
None 02.04.2024
FHS015 Research protocol - Section C When you need to complete section C of a new protocol application. FHS015hlp 02.04.2024
FHS016 Annual progress Report / Renewal When you need to submit an annual progress report to the HREC. FHS016hlp 13.06.2024
FHS017 Annual Progress Report / Renewal When you need to submit an annual progress to the HREC for Record Reviews / Audits / Collection of Biological Specimens / Repositories / Databases / Registries. FHS016hlp 02.04.2024
FHS018 Short courses run by Departments When your department/unit is intending to run a short course or workshop. None 15.12.2009
FHS019 Final Report When you need to close a study.
Record Reviews / Audits / Collection of Biological Specimens / Repositories / Databases / Registries.
None 02.04.2024
FHS020 Application to establish an ongoing Database, Registry or Repository for research purposes When you need to apply for an ongoing database, registry or repository. None 02.04.2024
FHS021 Undergraduate student research protocol application form When you need to apply for an Undergraduate student research protocol. See also: New protocol submission checklist None 02.04.2024
FHS022 Application Form for Major CAPEX Projects (First Phase – Preliminary Request) For any Major UCT space project which exceeds R100 000, including self-funded projects. None 19.10.2017
FHS023 Application Form for Major CAPEX Projects (Second Phase) For any Major UCT space project which exceeds R100 000, including self-funded projects. None 19.10.2017
FHS024 Application Form for Minor CAPEX Projects ( < R100 000) For any Minor UCT space project which is less than R100 000, including self-funded projects. None 19.10.2017
FHS025 Vendor Request Application This form has been removed until further notice. None 22.01.2020
FHS026 Application form for UCT Sponsorship and Insurance for Clinical Research When applying for UCT sponsorship and insurance for a Faculty of Health Sciences study involving human participants. None 22.09.2021
FHS027 Additional Information for Opening a New Health Science Fund Important additional information to be supplied when you want to open a new Health Science fund. None 12.01.2021
FHS028 Request for New Space or Space Modification When requesting a new space allocation, or a space modification that does not require UCT funding. None 19.10.2017
FHS029 AEC: Application Form for the Use of Animal Material for Scientific Purposes When applying for the use of animal material for scientific purposes.
Note: This form has been moved to a new platform, see: FHS029: Use of Animal Material for Scientific Purposes
FHS030 AEC: Reciprocal Recognition of Review Decisions When applying for the reciprocal recognition of review decisions. None 06.04.2020
FHS031 AEC: Reporting of Protocol Deviations and Unanticipated Problems  When reporting protocol deviations and unanticipated problems to the AEC.
Note: This form has been moved to a new platform, see: FHS031: Animal Incident, Protocol Deviations & Unanticipated Problems
FHS032 AEC: Pilot Feedback Report Form When submitting a pilot feedback report to the AEC. None 06.04.2020
Health-Related Case Reports and Case Series
Use ONLY for applications for health-related case report research and case series involving three or less patients.
HREC Application Form: Health Research Using Human Cell Lines
When requesting HREC approval for a study involving existing human cell lines (considered human research) prior to commencing the work.
Reciprocal review of minimal risk research with prior approval from a South African HREC
Use ONLY to be used to apply for UCT Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) reciprocal approval of minimal risk research already approved by a South African Human Research Ethics Committee registered with the National Health Research Ethics Council (NHREC).
Central Finance (FM)back to top
File Name Form Title When To Use The Form Help Document / Movie Last Changed
FM003a Application to open a fund When you want a fund to be created on SAP.
Note: For assistance on applying for an NRF fund, see: NRF fund maintenance - Applying for new NRF funds. (Updated: 02.03.2023)
FM003b Application to change a fund
When you want a fund to be changed on SAP.
FM003bhlp 17.05.2024
FM004 Application for Funds Centre maintenance When you want a Fund Centre to be created or changed on SAP. None 26.01.2023
FM005 Expenses Commitment item/ General ledger accounts This form has been removed. Note: This form has been replaced with FM055.
FM006 Revenue commitment item/general ledger account hierarchy This form has been removed. Note: This form has been replaced with FM055.
FM007 Close a fund When you want a fund to be closed on SAP.
Note: For assistance in closing an NRF fund, see: NRF fund maintenance - Closing a fund. (Updated: 23.02.2018)
If you are closing more than one fund, use FM007 spreadsheet.
None 05.05.2023
FM010 Application for additional budget When you have insufficient budget in your Fund and you want to apply for additional budget. None 29.04.2004
FM011 Application for transfer of budget When you want to transfer budget from one Fund under your control to another Fund also under your control or to transfer income or capital from an invested Fund to an operational Fund. None 29.05.2000
FM012 Application for bridging finance When you want to apply for bridging finance, the completed form must be sent to Treasury, Finance Department. None 05.02.2014
FM013 This form has been removed. Note: From 1 July 2020 all journal requests must be submitted using FM014 spreadsheet.
FM014 Request for journal (Excel spreadsheet) When you want a journal passed.
Note: For assistance in journal processing for NRF grants, see: Guidelines - Journal processing for NRF grants.
None 17.01.2024
FM015 This form has been removed
FM017 This form has been removed. Note: From 1 July 2020 all journal requests must be submitted using FM014 spreadsheet.
FM018 Processing a credit memo without reference When you want to process a credit memo without reference to a purchase order. None 11.02.2005
FM019 Processing a debit memo without reference When you want to process a debit memo without reference to a purchase order. None 11.02.2005
FM024 Internal Transfer: fund to customer To be used for charges between the General Ledger and Debtor's Ledger. None 18.12.2003
FM030 Claim for mileage reimbursement When you have used your private vehicle on approved University business or field trip. None 15.03.2024
FM031 Request for advance When you require money (cash/cheque) for sundry purposes, field work or travel expenses in advance of the supporting documentation.
(Refer Finance Guidelines: FG003 for guidance as to which form to use when requesting payment from UCT for UCT related business.)
None 30.11.2023
FM032 Subsistence and Travel (Local & Foreign) When you require subsistence for business travel. In addition, you may require an advance for related travel/accommodation expenses not covered by the S&T allowance. See: S&T policy Attachment C for guidelines of amounts included/excluded from S&T.
(Refer Finance Guidelines: FG003 for guidance as to which form to use when requesting payment from UCT for UCT related business.)
None 15.03.2024
FM033 Clearing of Advance When clearing an advance that you have previously requested. Please refer to the Advances policy for the deadlines for clearing advances in order to avoid tax implications.
None 15.03.2024
FM034 Petty cash float When you want to request a new petty cash float, or to increase, decrease or close a petty cash float. None 25.04.2018
FM037 This form has been removed
FM040 Staff Vendor Application When a staff member needs a staff vendor number for reimbursements or S&T allowances. None 04.11.2016
FM041 Request for exception to finance policy When a staff member requires the approval of the Executive Director, Finance, to be considered for exception to one of the finance policies.
Note: A copy of this signed form must be attached each time the relevant payment request is submitted to Creditors.
FM042 This form has been removed, see form HR109. FM042 has been deleted due to the new GEN004 Cell phone policy, which has now been temporarily removed, instead refer to the interim GEN006 - Remote connectivity policy
FM043 This form has been removed, see form MM010
FM044 This form has been removed, see form MM009
FM045 Reimbursement (UCT internal) When you need to be reimbursed for expenses that you have been authorised to incur on behalf of UCT.
(Refer Finance Guidelines: FG003 for guidance as to which form to use when requesting payment from UCT for UCT related business.)
None 17.05.2024
FM046 This form has been removed, see form MM014.
FM047 Claim for petty cash reimbursement When you want to be reimbursed for petty cash used to pay expenses. None 13.11.2019
FM048 Delegated petty cash signatory When you need to set up or change a petty cash signatory for verification purposes. None 13.11.2019
FM049 Reimbursement (UCT external) When you need to reimburse external parties for authorised expenses that they have incurred on behalf of UCT.
Note: External parties are individuals who are not current UCT staff members or students.
(Refer Finance Guidelines: FG003 for guidance as to which form to use when requesting payment from UCT for UCT related business.)
None 15.03.2024
FM050 Missing supporting documents When there is no supporting documentation available for various transactions, e.g. P-card, Advances, S&T. None 25.06.2015
FM051 Electronic transfer request When a vendor requires an electronic payment into their bank account. Please be aware that terms other than "Net 30" can only be negotiated by the Purchasing Dept.
Note: All electronic transfer requests will be charged a service fee of R150.00, except foreign payments that attract usual bank charges.
None 17.04.2014
FM052 Request for student award/ prize from investment fund When you need a UCT cheque for a student prize or award using an investment fund.
Note: There are only two cheque runs a week, therefore please make your request timeously, bearing in mind that the request needs to be processed by the Treasury Dept, then Creditors and signed off by two Central Finance signatories before the cheque is printed. For all other funds, use a Purchase Order via Creditors.
None 14.09.2015
FM053 Change to petty cash custodian When you need to change the petty cash custodian. None 13.11.2019
Request for Instant Money
When you need to submit an Instant Money request.
General Ledger accounts
When you need to view a list of expense and income general ledger account codes for your information.
Note: Operating and HR account codes are listed separately. Operating account codes include guidelines for usage.
Governance Intranet (GI)back to top
File Name Form Title When To Use The Form Help Document / Movie Last Changed
GI01 Servicing Officer Application When a UCT committee servicing officer needs to apply for access to the Governance Intranet in line with their role.
For further information, see: The Governance Intranet.
This form is no longer in use. Please complete this request in ServiceNow: Servicing Officer Application
No form Servicing Officer Removal
(Note: No form previously existed for this request which can now be completed through ServiceNow.)
When a UCT committee servicing officer no longer needs access to the Governance Intranet and needs to have their access removed.
For further information, see: The Governance Intranet.
Please complete this request in ServiceNow: Remove Servicing Officer
GI02 New Committee Application When a UCT servicing officer (SO) or UCT staff member needs to apply for the creation of a new committee on the Governance Intranet (GI).
For further information, see: The Governance Intranet.
This form is no longer in use. Please complete this request in ServiceNow: New Committee Application
Human Resources (HR)back to top
File Name Form Title When To Use The Form Help Document / Movie Last Changed
*HR100a Appointment
(for faculty & department use)
This form is used in respect of all appointments handled by departments, excluding the appointment of students to roles linked to their studentship e.g. tutor, library assistant, sub-warden.
See also:
Ad hoc letter of appointment
Paid-on-claim letter of appointment
Note: *This writable PDF form must first be downloaded to your computer (right-click and Save link as), before it can be completed using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
None 12.06.2024
HR100b Appointment
(for faculty and department use – students in roles linked to their studentship)
This form is used for the appointment of students to roles linked to their studentship (e.g. tutor, library assistant, sub-warden).
See also:
Ad hoc letter of appointment
Paid-on-claim letter of appointment
None 29.11.2018
HR100c Appointment
(for Staff Recruitment use)
This form is normally used by the Staff Recruitment & Selection Office only. It is also used when departments process T2 research (academic) appointments. None 21.06.2024
HR100d Joint Staff Appointment
(for department use)
This appointment form is used to appoint all UCT/NHLS and UCT/WCG staff on NHLS and WCG conditions of service. None 13.02.2024
HR101 Personal Details When staff are appointed, when personal details of staff change, when payments are made to invigilators not employed by UCT. None 29.03.2022
HR102 Change of Appointment When any aspect of a staff member’s appointment changes. None 06.10.2023
HR103 SHAWCO Appointment Note: This form has been removed as SHAWCO appointments and payments are no longer facilitated by HR.
HR104 Organisational Unit For creating new organisational units and when requesting changes to existing organisational units. None 06.10.2023
HR105 Additional Payment Please select the relevant form below:
HR105a - Additional Payment (Academic staff)
HR105b - Additional Payment (PASS staff)
HR105a Additional Payment
(Academic staff)
When processing a once-off payment to an academic permanent or contract staff member already on the monthly payroll - or processing any allowance paid monthly. None 04.10.2017
HR105b Additional Payment
(PASS staff)
When processing a once-off payment to a PASS permanent or contract staff member already on the monthly payroll - or processing any allowance paid monthly. None 04.10.2017
HR106 Multiple Payments When making variable payments to staff who have already been appointed on a paid-on-claim contract. None 14.03.2018
HR107 Overtime & Standby Payments When making overtime and/or standby payments.
Note: The My Timesheets tile in HR Employee Self-Service may now also be used to submit overtime and standby hours for line manager approval. See also: Overtime policy and guidelines.
None 21.08.2023
HR108 Baxter Payments For Baxter staff ONLY. None 07.12.2016
HR109 Cell Phone Allowance When applying for a cell phone allowance. Please refer to interim finance policy on Remote Connectivity (GEN006). None 15.11.2021
HR109a Data Allowance Multiple Payments When departments need to authorise payments to staff who are eligible to receive a data allowance as per Category 2 and Category 3 of the interim finance policy on Remote Connectivity (GEN006). None 04.11.2021
HR110 Stop Order for Housing Bond This form has been removed as HR no longer accepts new bond deductions.
HR111 Pay Reduction When reducing pay in cases of unauthorised absence. None 14.03.2018
HR112 Shift Change When changes need to be made to a staff member’s shift pattern on a permanent or temporary basis. None 09.10.2017
HR115 Multiple Changes to Funds/Cost Centres When making multiple changes to funds and cost centres/orders. None 30.01.2009
HR120 External Examiner -Taught Courses When claiming an honorarium for an external examiner – specifically in undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses. None 28.01.2020
HR121 External Examiner - Master’s Research When claiming an honorarium for an external examiner – specifically in respect of Master’s or Higher Postgraduate research. None 28.01.2020
Local External Examiner Completed by a local external examiner, when claiming an honorarium for examining a doctoral thesis. Reviewed by Doctoral Degrees Board Office. None
HR122b Citation Editor
Completed by a citation editor, when claiming an honorarium for the editing of citations. Reviewed by Doctoral Degrees Board Office. None 28.03.2023
HR123 External Co-Supervisor When claiming an honorarium for an external co-supervisor. None 19.09.2013
HR124 Invigilators When claiming payment for invigilators. None 02.11.2017
HR125 Staff Tuition Rates When an employee or retiree applies for staff tuition rates.
None 29.08.2024
HR126 Private Work Application
(For joint clinical staff on UCT conditions of service)
The following forms are attachments to HR126 and must also be completed:
  • HR126a - Private Work –Central Hospital Work Plan

  • HR126b - Private Work – Regional / District Hospital / Services Work Plan

  • HR126c - Private Work – Income Declaration
When you are a medically qualified joint academic staff member on UCT conditions of service applying to do private work in terms of the Limited Private Practice (LPP) policy. None 13.10.2015
HR130 Disclosure form for Staff Must be used to declare your financial and fiduciary interest and those of your immediate family.
ServiceNow iconThis Microsoft Word form has been replaced and is no longer in use. Please complete this form in ServiceNow: Annual Declaration of Interests
Note: The disclosures sought are required by the Higher Education Act, Council’s Policy, and Council’s Rules on Conflicts of Interest, and the application of those rules to members of Council, Council committees and staff. See: Conflict of Interest
*HR131 Annual Declaration of Interests Form for Council, Committee and Honorary Appointments Used by members of Council and members of Council committees and honorary appointees to declare financial and fiduciary interest and those of the immediate family.
Note: The disclosures sought are required by the Higher Education Act, Council’s Policy, and Council’s Rules on Conflicts of Interest, and the application of those rules to members of Council, Council committees and staff. See: Conflict of Interest
*This writable PDF form must first be downloaded to your computer (right-click and Save link as), before it can be completed using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
HR134 Acknowledgement of Debt When employees acknowledge debt to the University. None 13.02.2024
HR136 HEMIS Data Collection When academic staff members (including students with an academic appointment) are appointed to a position that involves the teaching of students including preparation, marking, setting examinations, curriculum development, lectures, seminars, tutorials, practicals and supervision of theses and dissertations. None 13.10.2015
HR140 Leave General leave form for PASS and academic staff.
Note: UCT staff can apply for leave using SAP HR Employee Self-Service (ESS). Ad hoc staff, paid-on-claim staff or those paid by a temp agency will unfortunately not have access to the service due to the temporary nature of their role. Login to HR Employee Self-Service.
None 29.05.2020
HR141 Study & Research/Contact Leave When applying for study & research or contact leave. None 01.12.2022
HR142 Leave for Wardens When a warden plans to be away from his/her residence for more than 24 hours. None 27.02.2014
HR143 Study & Research Leave Report Cover Sheet Cover sheet for any Study & Research leave report submitted for approval. None 05.07.2012
HR144 Special Leave Without Pay When an employee applies for special leave without pay. None 13.06.2023
HR145 Termination Termination or completion of contract. None 25.03.2024
HR146 This form has been removed and by an online Exit Questionnaire.
HR147 Leave Payout Completed by line management when the payout of leave is necessary. None 02.03.2016
HR150 UCTRF Investment Choice When becoming a member of the UCT Retirement Fund. None 01.10.2021
HR151 Nomination of beneficiaries for UCTRF and UCT separate death benefits Completed by UCTRF members when nominating beneficiaries for UCTRF and UCT separate death benefits. None 09.10.2023
HR152 This form has been removed. UCTRF members may change their additional voluntary contributions on their Cost of Employment (COE) schedule during the annual COE review.
HR153 UCTRF Withdrawal When applying for UCT Retirement Fund withdrawal benefits in the event of resignation, retrenchment, dismissal or any reason except retirement. None 26.09.2024
HR154 Optional reduction of UCTRF death-in-service cover
(new members)
When new UCTRF members choose to reduce their death-in-service cover. None 09.10.2023
HR155 This form is no longer in use. Please make use of HR151 - Nomination of beneficiaries for UCTRF and UCT separate death benefits.
HR156 Optional death and disability cover When UCTRF members take optional additional Group Life cover (death and disability cover). None 26.01.2024
HR157 UCTRF Retirement This form is used for retirement from the UCT Retirement Fund (UCTRF), after consultation with the Benefits & Exits Officer or the UCTRF Office. None 18.07.2024
HR158 UCTRF Living Annuity This form is only used in conjunction with the HR157 UCTRF Retirement form. None 26.01.2024
HR159 Debit order -
Retirees and beneficiaries
This form is used when a retiree has elected to continue their membership of the medical aid scheme or the UCT Separate Group Life Assurance scheme. It is also used to change bank details for an existing debit order. None 20.01.2021
HR160 Selection Committee Academic Posts Note: This form has been removed and replaced by the consolidated HR202 form.
HR161 Selection Committee Academic Posts (Health Sciences) Note: This form has been removed and replaced by the consolidated HR202 form.
HR162 This form has been renamed to HR162b.
HR162a Selection Committee Chief Operating Officer When appointing a selection committee to recruit and fill a vacant Chief Operating Officer post. None 08.05.2018
HR162b Selection Committee GSB Director When appointing a selection committee to recruit and fill a vacant GSB Director’s post. None 08.05.2018
HR163 Selection Committee Executive Directors and the Registrar When appointing a selection committee to recruit and fill a vacant Executive Director's or Registrar's post. None 13.10.2015
HR164 Selection Committee PASS Staff Note: This form has been removed and replaced by the consolidated HR202 form.
HR165 Selection Committee Deans When appointing a selection committee to recruit and fill a vacant Dean’s post. None 13.10.2015
HR166 Selection Committee Vice Chancellor When appointing a selection committee to recruit and fill a vacant Vice Chancellor's post. None 13.10.2015
HR167 Selection Committee Deputy Vice-Chancellor When appointing a selection committee to recruit and fill a vacant Deputy Vice-Chancellor's post. None 12.09.2017
HR168 Checklist for EE representatives serving on selection committees When serving as an EE representative on a selection committee.
See also: Employment Equity Plan (2022–2026);
Policy on Employment Equity;
Guidance for the Implementation of Employment Equity.
None 14.08.2024
HR169 Nomination of Candidates for Appointment as Honorary Professors and Associate Professors When nominating a candidate for an Honorary Professorship or Honorary Associate Professorship. None 06.10.2023
HR170 Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) When an employee fails to maintain standards of performance laid down in his/her employment contract and corrective action is necessary. None 27.05.2015
HR171 Performance Improvement Plan (PIP) Review When reviewing progress made against a Performance Improvement Plan drawn up previously. None 27.05.2015
HR172 Written Warning Completed by chairperson of disciplinary enquiry when a finding of guilty is reached. None 30.01.2009
HR173 Grievance When an employee wishes to raise a grievance against another employee at UCT. None 13.10.2015
HR174 Annual Academic Review Completed annually by each academic as part of a process of review. None 16.02.2017
HR175 Performance Assessment Completed by HOD's when providing a recommendation on a performance category in respect of academic staff. None 13.10.2015
HR176 Probation Review When providing an interim or final probation review report. None 06.10.2023
HR180 Staff education bursary scheme application form When UCT funds formal education for permanent (full or part-time) PASS staff. None 16.02.2022
HR185 This form has been removed and replaced by SuccessFactors Learning. For assistance, please contact the Staff Learning Centre on hr-stafflearningcentre@uct.ac.za.
HR186 Bursary Agreement When UCT contributes to tertiary study fees for staff. None 11.03.2022
HR187 Conversion of bursary into loan When a staff member fails to comply with the Bursary Agreement conditions. None 14.02.2024
HR188 Declaration of obligation When UCT funds non-formal learning and development in excess of R25 000. None 14.04.2021
HR189 Conversion of declaration of obligation into loan When a staff member fails to comply with the Declaration of Obligation conditions. None 08.02.2017
HR190 HR Information request To request data from the HR and/or payroll database for the creation of either special reports or labels. None 14.08.2024
HR191 Position description This form serves as a template for the writing of position descriptions. See also: UCT Competency Framework
None 20.08.2024
HR192 Position evaluation application form When a position needs to be evaluated and graded. None 06.10.2023
HR193 Application for Skills Development funding When Deans, Executive Directors, Heads or others make application to the Staff Development Committee (SDC) for funding of staff development initiatives or projects. None 19.08.2022
HR194a Access to UCT staff for research purposes (Fulfilment of a degree)
When requesting access to UCT staff for research purposes for the fulfilment of a degree (delegated ED of HR authority to approve). None 14.08.2024
HR194b Access to UCT staff for research purposes (General research)
When requesting access to UCT staff for for institutional research purposes that is not in fulfilment of a degree (COO and DVC with oversight of academic matters to approve). None 14.08.2024
HR195a Learnership Description
This form serves as a template for the writing of “position descriptions” for Learners.
HR195b Apprenticeship Description
This form serves as a template for the writing of “position descriptions” for Apprentices.
HR195c Graduate Internship Work Experience Description
This form serves as a template for the writing of “position descriptions” for Graduate Interns.
HR195d Practical Internship Description
This form serves as a template for the writing of “position descriptions” for Practical Interns.
HR200 Request for recruitment advertising Note: This form has been removed and replaced by the consolidated HR202 form.

HR201 Staff vacancies application form This form is used by all applicants applying for staff vacancies at UCT.
Note: If you have any recruitment queries, please e-mail Craig Alexander
None 21.09.2022
HR202 Request to commence recruitment process for posts to be advertised This form is used when requesting the Staff Recruitment Office to commence a recruitment process for filling a vacancy.
Note: If you have any recruitment advertising queries, please e-mail advertising@uct.ac.za
None 19.03.2024
HR203 Request for waiver of advertisement This form is used when requesting a waiver of advertisement from the Staff Recruitment Office, to permit an exception to advertising for an appointment according to the Waiver of Advertisement Policy (see also: Waiver of Advertisement infographic).
None 21.06.2024
HR204 Senior Executive Staff vacancies application form This form is used by all applicants applying for Senior Executive Staff  vacancies at UCT i.e. Vice-Chancellor, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Dean & Executive Director levels. None 21.09.2022
Selection Committees Declaration of Confidentiality and Conflict of Interest
This e-Form must be used by all internal and external parties serving on UCT recruitment and selection committees:
  • Internal parties (UCT employees, students and third-parties) must complete the e-Form annually, and this declaration is binding for all processes that they are involved in during this period.
  • External parties must complete this e-Form for each process they participate in.
Note: This is a Perceptive Content electronic form (e-Form) which is completed online.
HR210 Development Dialogue PASS Staff When recording performance and development discussions for PASS staff, within the Development Dialogue (DD) process.  DD Resource Guide
DD Training
HR210a Development Dialogue Executive Staff (PC13(3), PC13(2) and PC13(1)) When recording performance and development discussions for Executive staff (PC13(3), PC13(2) and PC13(1)), within the Development Dialogue (DD) process. DD Resource Guide 20.08.2024
HR210b Development Dialogue Appeal
When a staff member in (PC01 to PC13 (4)) would like to appeal their Development Dialogue outcomes.
DD Resource Guide 10.11.2023
HR211 Motivation for ‘Exceeds’ Award to PASS Staff When a PASS staff member is rated ‘Exceeding’, during the formal review as part of the Development Dialogue (DD) process and either the PASS staff member and/or their line manager and/or their peer wish to motivate for them to be awarded an ‘Exceeds 1’ or ‘Exceeds 2’ award. None 08.02.2017
HR212 DD Faculty / Department Performance Consistency Review Report When a Faculty/Department Development Forum reports to the Central Development Forum. None 13.05.2024
HR213 Family funeral cover “Opt Out” for UCTRF members When a UCTRF member wishes to opt out of the Family Cover benefit. None 28.11.2022
HR214 Annual UCTRF Contribution Rate Change form This form must be completed by employees who wish to change their UCTRF contribution rate at the annual option date. None 01.02.2024
HR215 Annual Death Cover Option This form must be completed by employees who wish to change their death cover at the annual option date. None 01.02.2024
Health & Safety (HS)back to top
File Name Form Title When To Use The Form Help Document / Movie Last Changed
HS01 Health and Safety quarterly inspection report A legal document to be completed periodically by Health and Safety Representatives. None 23.12.2015
HS02 Incident report For recording and investigating accidents. None 23.12.2015
HS03 Course Application Form When applying to attend a course with the Safety, Health and Environment Department. None 07.12.2015
HS04 Biological Monitoring
Payment Authorisation
When referring a staff member or student to the Occupational Health Unit for a pathology test. None 23.12.2015
HS05 Appointment of SHE
Environment Representative
When appointing a Safety, Health and Environment Representative. None 23.12.2015
HS06 Appointment of SHE
Evacuation Marshall
When appointing a Safety, Health and Environment Evacuation Marshall. None 23.12.2015
HS07 Appointment of First Aider When appointing a First Aider. None 23.12.2015
HS08 Safety, Health and Environmental Agreement When drawing up a Safety, Health and Environmental Agreement. None 23.12.2015
HS09 Appointment of
Incident Investigator
When appointing an Incident Investigator. None 23.12.2015
HS10 Occupational Risk
and Exposure Profile
When drawing up an Occupational Risk and Exposure Profile (OREP). None 23.12.2015
HS11 Health and Safety Quarterly Inspection Report for Workshop Areas When drawing up a Health and Safety Quarterly Inspection Report
for Workshop Areas.
None 23.12.2015
Insurance Office (INS)back to top
File Name Form Title When To Use The Form Help Document / Movie Last Changed
INS01 UCT - Risk Incident Advice When a member of the university community becomes aware of an incident that constitutes a risk which is required to be reported, e.g. theft, burglary, injury or damage to property. None 13.12.2004
INS02 Overseas Travel Insurance When applying for overseas travel insurance.
Note: This form is not for private/personal travel. If necessary, refer to Schedule of benefits - AIG Business Travel Insurance to see what is covered by the insurance.
Mac users please see: Procedure for Apple Mac users
INS03 Insurance Claim Notification When notifying Insurance Office of an incident that may lead to a possible claim. Refer to: Insurance Documentation Guidelines (FG001). None 24.05.2023
INS04 Assets all risk - staff transit insurance When applying for transit insurance for moving a consignment of personal belongings. See the Relocation Policy for more details.
Note: The form should be attached together with the Inventory for insurance purposes listing the total value of your belongings.
None 24.08.2022
Purchasing Services (MM)back to top
File Name Form Title When To Use The Form Help Document / Movie Last Changed
MM001 This form is no longer in use.
MM002 Request for new vendor When you want to get a new vendor listed on SAP.
This form is no longer in use. Purchasers should use the New Vendor Request transaction within SAP to request a new vendor.
MM003 Application for UCT Purchasing Card When you want to apply for a UCT Purchasing Card.
Note: The Nedbank application form must be completed and sent off with the MM003 form. (Updated: 23.02.2021)
See page 3 of form 31.01.2021
MM005 UCT Purchasing Card order When you want to place an order with the UCT Purchasing Card. None 10.06.2013
MM006 UCT Purchasing Card missing supporting document has been replaced by FM050: Missing supporting documents.
MM007 Note: Skynet is no longer the preferred vendor for domestic courier collection; instead use:
MM007a: TNT Collection Request or
MM007b: Globeflight Collection Request
MM007c: DHL Collection Request
MM007a TNT Collection Request When applying for a courier collection from TNT. None 27.01.2015
MM007b Globeflight Collection Request When applying for a courier collection from Globeflight. None 13.10.2015
MM007c DHL Collection  / Quotation Request When applying for a courier collection / quotation from DHL. None 05.09.2017
MM008 This form is no longer in use. Please use your P-Card for any Makro purchases.
If you require a P-Card, please complete MM003:Application for UCT PurchasingCard.
MM009 Authorisation to request purchase orders When you want to approve staff/students to request purchase orders against your Funds. None 08.02.2007
MM010 Purchase order request When you want to request a purchase order. Must accompany all purchase orders above R100 000. None 01.02.2023
MM011 UCT Goods Return Note When goods are being returned which have previously been signed for as received and where the vendor does not supply such a form. None 23.01.2003
MM014 PCard credit limit and travel change request form When needing to change purchasing card profile limits, including cash withdrawal for travel, and informing the bank of card use during travel outside SA. None 09.11.2020
MM015 UCT Purchasing Card supporting document for a transaction processed to the default fund To be submitted in lieu of the supporting document when processing transactions to the cardholder's default fund. None 23.11.2006
MM016 To request access to this form, please email: fnd-purch@uct.ac.za
MM017 This form has been replaced by MM007a: TNT Collection Request
MM018 Payment Rejection - trade vendors and one time vendors Used by purchasers and the Creditors Section when invoices are rejected (trade vendors and one time vendors). For staff payments, please use MM020 Creditors Contact List 08.01.2014
MM019 UCT Purchasing Card - change of details Use when there are any changes to a purchasing card holder’s personal or departmental details. None 23.10.2020
MM020 Payment Rejection - staff payments Used by purchasers and the Creditors Section when invoices are rejected (staff payments). For trade vendors and one time vendors, please use MM018 Creditors Contact List 08.01.2014
MM022 SAP Student vendor application Used when a student needs to be loaded as a vendor on SAP to facilitate payment into their bank account; i.e. when the student will require a disbursements or payment that would not be deemed as a salary.
This form is no longer in use. Purchasers should use the New Vendor Request transaction within SAP to request a new vendor.
MM023 Temporary vendor request Use when a department needs to place an order with a local vendor who is not a UCT SAP vendor and will be used on a once off basis.
This form is no longer in use. Purchasers should use the New Vendor Request transaction within SAP to request a new vendor.
MM024 Request for quotation Use to request a quotation from a vendor for goods or services, i.e. for orders from R100 000 to R1 000 000 (three quotes required); or for lower values if appropriate.
See: PPP002 - Threshold values for purchasing.
None 05.02.2014
MM025 Quotation summary Use to summarise quotations received from vendors when a department has requested a quotation for goods or services using MM024,i.e. for orders from R100 000 to R1 000 000 (three quotes); or for lower values if appropriate.
See: PPP02 - Threshold policy
None 05.02.2014
MM026 Request for approval of deviation from tender procedure Use for obtaining approval from the Finance Department when a deviation from the tender procedure occurs. None 09.12.2021
MM027 Foreign vendor request Use when a department needs to place an order with foreign vendors which they plan to use on a regular basis so that they can be loaded as a foreign vendor on SAP. None 08.01.2014
MM028 Fund Centre and functional access for UCT eProcurement For access to UCT eProcurement for a staff member who books UCT travel for themselves or other staff members, or requests online purchases from UCT eProcurement vendors. None 05.05.2016
MM029 Delegated approver access for UCT eProcurement When a fund holder delegates their approval to a staff member to approve transactions in UCT eTravel and eShopping. None 25.05.2016
MM030 Traveller profile information for UCT eTravel When requesting multiple traveller profile information to be loaded in UCT eTravel. None 01.03.2016
MM031 Purchasing Card document/s submission This form has been replaced by MM031a: Purchasing Card Unposted Transactions
Purchasing Card Unposted Transactions Used by card holders and capturers (for specific card holders, by agreement) to submit supporting documents for unposted PCard transactions.
  • If you are accessing the PCard forms remotely/ off-campus (i.e. not directly connected to UCT Network or eduroam), you will need to do so via VPN which requires that AnyConnect (UCT VPN software) is installed.
  • This form is the first of a series of four forms used to submit PCard transaction documents. Forms in series are:
  • MM031a – view a list of all unposted transactions per card holder
  • MM031b – submit documents for a specific transaction (select a PCard transaction from this MM031a).
  • MM031c – resubmit documents for a transaction, if requested by a card processor via email.
  • MM031d – when a card processor requests an update about budget in a fund.
  • Due to the need to protect privacy and security, an additional UCT Network authentication screen has been introduced to the MM031a eForm.
  • For help, see video: MM031ahlp (+/-3min). (Updated: 25.04.2023)
MM031ahlp 24.07.2023
MM032 PCard holder line manager delegation request
Use when needing to change the PCard line manager details for a temporary period of time (not shorter than 3 months) in order to sign off Monthly Expense Sign off reports to ensure business continuity.
Postgraduate Scholarships (PG)back to top
File Name Form Title When To Use The Form Help Document / Movie Last Changed
PG001 The PG001 - NRF Grantholder Claim Form has been removed. Fellows are required to accept their awards online.
PG002 The PG002 – PG Research Scholarship (formerly known as Departmental scholarships) Claim Form has been removed. Departments are required to capture all awards online. Please consult the PGFO Office on email at: pfodept-awards@uct.ac.za.
PG003 to PG013 Forms PG003 to PG013 have been removed. Fellows are required to accept their awards online.
PG014 The PG014 - Postdoctoral Fellowship Acceptance and Claim Form has been removed. Fellows are required to accept their awards online.
PG015 The PG015 - Postdoctoral Fellowship Acceptance and Claim Form has been removed. Fellows are required to accept their awards online.
PG016 The PG016 - Postdoctoral Fellowship Acceptance and Claim Form has been removed. Departments are required to capture all awards online.
Please consult the PGFO’s Postdoctoral Office on email at: pdocs@uct.ac.za
The PG017 - Application form for University Research Committee (URC) Postdoctoral Fellowships has been removed.
PG018 Authorisation of a Cash Allowance against a guaranteed Fellowship/Scholarship/ Bursary Authorisation form for a Cash Allowance against a guaranteed Fellowship/Scholarship/Bursary. None 26.09.2024
The PG021 - Clearance for registration – Postgraduate students form has been removed as this process is now facilitated by the academic departments.
PG022 The PG022 - Monthly Departmental Claim Form has been removed. Fellows are required to accept their awards online.
PG023 Notification of Termination of Fellowship and Tenure Used by Postdoctoral Fellows to notify Postgraduate Centre and Funding Office of their termination of fellowship and tenure when leaving UCT. None 19.11.2021
PG024* University of Cape Town (UCT) Staff PhD Bursaries When applying for a staff PhD bursary.
*Note: This form is under review for 2022.
None 19.12.2019
PG025* University of Cape Town (UCT) Staff Master's Bursaries When applying for a staff Master's bursary.
*Note: This form is under review for 2022.
None 19.12.2019
PG026 Postdoctoral Research Allowance Transfer form Used for NRF PDRF Running Expenses. None 12.12.2018
Personal Performance Systems (PPS)back to top
File Name Form Title When To Use The Form Help Document / Movie Last Changed
PPS01 to PPS03
As of 1 June 2015, the Personal Performance System (PPS) for PASS staff is replaced by the Development Dialogue process.
  • PPS01: Removed and replaced by HR210.
  • PPS02: Removed and replaced by HR211.
  • PPS03: Removed and replaced by HR212.
PeopleSoft Student Information System (PS)back to top
File Name Form Title When To Use The Form Help Document / Movie Last Changed
PS01 Student Systems training booking form When applying for access to and training on student support systems.   27.11.2023
Research & Innovation (R&I)back to top
File Name Form Title When To Use The Form Help Document / Movie Last Changed
R&I08 This form has been removed. Please apply online via eRA (http://eraonline.uct.ac.za/)
This form has been removed. Please apply online via eRA (http://eraonline.uct.ac.za/)
Note: From January 2019 all applications for the URC Page Costs and the Open Access Fund (article processing charges) must be submitted to Research Office via UCT’s Research Portal on the Research Administration (eRA) system.
R&I10 This form has been removed, and replaced by FHS004
R&I11 URC Start-up grant application When a new permanent academic staff member wishes to apply for a start-up grant. None 13.02.2024
R&I12 Block grant faculty contacts Find the block grant contact person in your Faculty on the R&I12 contacts list to request Faculty-specific forms. None 24.07.2020
R&I13 URC Visiting Lecturers and URC Visiting Scholars Fund application Used when funds are needed to bring an eminent academic to UCT from within South Africa. None 15.03.2024
R&I14 This form has been removed, and replaced by R&I13
R&I15 Visiting scholar’s / lecturer’s report When reporting on scholar / lecturer visit to university. None 15.08.2017
R&I16 Hosting a conference grant application These grants are to assist departments/units/groups in the arrangement of research conferences and symposia that will be hosted at UCT. None 26.06.2023
R&I17 This form has been removed as the funding category no longer exists.
R&I18 UEC equipment application When you wish to apply for strategic equipment solely for research purposes. None 13.11.2023
R&I19 This form has been removed as the template is no longer relevant.
R&I20 This form has been removed.
R&I21 UEC Emergency repairs to equipment When applying for emergency repairs to equipment. None 16.02.2023
R&I22 URC Short research visit / course report When reporting on a short research visit to the university or on a course. None 19.06.2014
R&I23 This form has been replaced by FHS003
R&I24 Short research visit/ Short course grant application When applying for a short course research visit/ short course grant.
ServiceNow icon This form is no longer in use. Please complete this request in ServiceNow: Short Research Visit/Course Grant application.
Help document: Accessing and completing the Short Research Visit/Course Grant application in ServiceNow
R&I25 This form has been removed as the funding category no longer exists.
R&I26 This form has been removed. Please apply online via eRA (http://eraonline.uct.ac.za)
R&I27 This form has been removed. Please apply online via eRA (http://eraonline.uct.ac.za)
R&I28a Claude Leon Merit Award for early-career researchers curriculum vitae template For nominators (self-nominations are acceptable) of early-career researchers for grant funding through the Claude Leon Merit Award.
Note: The nomination and application for this award is now split into two forms: R&I28a is the nomination form and R&I28b is the application form. Only nominees invited by the Research Office to submit full proposals for these awards may complete the R&I28b application form. Unsolicited proposals will not be accepted.
None 12.07.2017
R&I29 Honorary Research Associate/Affiliate application Used by departments when applying to appoint an Honorary Research Associate/Affiliate. It covers new and renewal applications. See: Application Process: HRA and HRAf 27.01.2023
R&I30 WUN Research Mobility Awards When applying for a Worldwide Universities Network Mobility Award. None 09.04.2014
R&I31 Creative Works Award & Meritorious Creative Works Prize Application form When nominating a creative work for the Creative Works Award & Meritorious Creative Works Prize. None 15.03.2024
R&I32 Hosting a Conference Report When reporting on a conference that the university has hosted and funded by the URC. None 21.04.2016
R&I33 Advanced Computing Equipment Application When faculties wish to apply for strategic computer research equipment items from the Advanced Computing Committee (ACC). None 16.02.2024
R&I34 Memorandum of Understanding between Host and Honorary Research Affiliate (HRAf) Used by departments when applying to appoint an Honorary Research Affiliate (HRAf). It covers new and renewal applications. See: Application Process: HRA and HRAf 04.10.2017
R&I35 Book Award & Meritorious Book Prize Application Form When nominating a UCT staff member for a Book Award or Meritorious Book Prize. None 15.03.2024
SAP information system (SAP)back to top
File Name Form Title When To Use The Form Help Document / Movie Last Changed
SAP01 to SAP04  replaced with ServiceNow iconServiceNow request or other  process
SAP05 Request for a new or changed purchasing group/delivery address For all users needing new or changed purchasing groups. None 08.01.2014
SAP06 UCT development request When requesting a change in existing functionality or the development of new functionality. SAP06HLP 10.06.2016
SAP09 SAP FND testing sign-off When signing-off CMR calls, logged by FND SAP super users, once solution testing has been completed. None 10.05.2018
SAP11 SAP CMR Call Logging When SAP super-users want to request that a CMR call is logged on SAP. None 28.10.2019
Science Faculty (SCI)back to top
File Name Form Title When To Use The Form Help Document / Movie Last Changed
SCI001 Science Faculty Animal Ethics application form When you require clearance to use sentient animals for a research study, or for teaching/training None 21.06.2007
SCI002 Science Faculty Animal Ethics renewal form When you need to renew your clearance to use sentient animals for a research study, or for teaching/training. None 21.06.2007
Sales & Debtors (SD)back to top
File Name Form Title When To Use The Form Help Document / Movie Last Changed
SD001 UCT Invoice requisition When you have no authorisation to create sales documents on SAP but need to send a tax invoice to a customer outside UCT. SD001HLP 14.07.2017
SD002 UCT Receipt requisition When money, excluding donations, is received in a department and must be receipted on SAP SD002HLP 14.07.2017
SD003 UCT Credit note requisition When a customer has requested a credit for a transaction recorded on SAP. SD003HLP 04.10.2021
SD004 Customer application form When you want to get a customer listed on SAP. SD004HLP 04.10.2021
SD005 Request for Debtors Customer Refund When you want a refund to debtors customer by electronic funds transfer (eft). None 14.02.2017
SD006 UCT Research invoice requisition When you have no authorisation to create sales documents on SAP but need to send a research invoice to a customer outside UCT. None 04.10.2021
SD007 UCT Research receipt requisition When money for research purposes, excluding donations, is received in a department and must be receipted on SAP. None 04.10.2021
SD008 This form has been removed.
SD009 Request Write Off for Bad Debts When an overdue or unpaid invoice has been identified as a bad debt write off as per bad debt procedure or when motivation is been submitted for consideration as a bad debt write off. None 12.01.2021
SD010 UCT Invoice requisition – Multiple billing for the year
When you have to raise multiple billings for the year e.g. for rentals/leases (ad hoc/contract). None
Traffic Administration (TA)back to top
File Name Form Title When To Use The Form Help Document / Movie Last Changed
TA01 Staff parking application & renewal form When renewing/applying for a staff parking disc. None 25.09.2024
TA02 Staff parking – Change of / additional vehicle When adding an additional vehicle to a current disc, or changing vehicle details. None 25.09.2024
Treasury and Banking (TR)back to top
File Name Form Title When To Use The Form Help Document / Movie Last Changed
TR001 Cashiers deposit slip When regular payments are receipted directly by the Cashiers into specified funds.
Note: This writable PDF form must first be downloaded to your computer (right-click and Save link as), before it can be completed using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
None 02.02.2018
*TR002 Instant Money bank profile set up
This form must be used to request the set up of a Standard Bank Instant Money profile for use in an area.
For policy details, see: Mobile Payments Policy.
Note: *This writable PDF form must first be downloaded to your computer (right-click and Save link as), before it can be completed using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
*TR003 Instant Money bank profile changes
This form must be used to request any changes to the Standard Bank Instant Money profile in an area.
For policy details, see: Mobile Payments Policy.
Note: *This writable PDF form must first be downloaded to your computer (right-click and Save link as), before it can be completed using Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Group Life Insurance (GLA)back to top
File Name Form Title When To Use The Form Help Document / Movie Last Changed
UCTGLA01 This form has been updated, renamed and moved. See form HR155
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